“How to: Use eKYC customer verification”
Contactless customer verification is now essential for financial firms, VASPs, and NFT services, but is there one solution for them all?
RegTech company useB provides contactless customer verification eKYC solutions for all kinds of companies facing regulations. In particular, many companies such as savings banks, securities firms, virtual asset operators, and fintech industries favor and use useB’s solutions.
Get all the features and designs to build a complete customer verification system in one integration!
레그테크 AML 솔루션 전문기업 유스비에서 뉴스레터 구독자를 모집 중입니다!
다양한 산업군의 규제를 극복하기 위한 가이드북과 AML 지식 콘텐츠, 성공사례와 인사이트 정보들을 전달해드립니다.
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